You've got questions?  We've got aardvarks.

The Square Root of Cheese


Latest Advice

Mr. Cheese stick man thing,

   Is it possible to have a mechanical squirrel tail attached to your tail bone and have some nerves wound around it so that you can control it? I just thought that could be a rather cool thing to have. Plus it would make the uber coolest belt if need be.

[no sender listed]

Mr. or Ms. person,

   Sure it's possible.  They haven't really caught on yet in our galaxy, but mechanical/prosthetic tails are all the rage in Andromeda. If you think it's worth the trip, you just might start a new trend here.




     I'm offended by cheese products.

Never coming back


     I try to be open minded, but I'm afraid there's no hope for you. I wish you luck in your search for a second opinion, as I know you're not coming back to read this.



Hey Man,

     Something weird is happening to my head.  The back of my throat hurts and my nose is starting to leak this weird fluid.  Is my head starting to dissolve?  How do I stop it?


Don't panic, Melting.

     You aren't actually coming apart.  That's just your body's natural reaction to inhaling tiny particles of something that it doesn't like.  Just stop letting them in, and whatever is already there will work its way out in a day or two.



Mr. Cheese Man?

     My friend down the street gets a dollar from the tooth fairy every time he loses a tooth.  But I only get a quarter.  Do I have grounds to sue?

Poor and Toothless

Sorry Toothless,

     Your argument won't hold up in court.  It's not discrimination; it's a matter of exchange rates.  Since pixies like the Tooth Fairy are so much smaller than us, their national boundaries are a lot closer together and a little more random than our own.  Even though you live down the street, she probably crossed 2 or 3 borders between your homes.  You could try moving your bed across the room or leaving your teeth in a different room.  As a warning, the Tooth Fairy cannot legally accept your teeth from under your friend's pillow.



Want your question answered?
E-mail me!

New Stuff


  Change of plans.  This site has become my official class project in Web Publishing.  Now that my grade depends on it, things are finally going to get organized around here.  Stay tuned for big changes in the next couple of weeks.  That is if anyone is still visiting.
Oh. And be watching for a change of address; I didn't put those banner ads there, and I really don't want them there.  My business with Freeservers is coming to an end.


Believe it or not, stuff is still happening here. Mostly in bits and pieces, but every now and then I still find time to tweak. I'm currently taking one of my first college-level web publishing class and intend to use the Root of Cheese to practice what I'm learning.

The changes are bound to get more noticeable later on...

In the mean time, I will be adding more advice to the left as I discover those who need it.


    Success!  The archives are fully operational again.  (Unless you've disabled Java support for your browser, which would be just plain silly)


     Well, here we go. I'm attempting to bring the site back to life again.  This time I know better than to promise regular updates; it's just not gonna happen.  Life just gets too busy.

     The archives have been restored, sort of.  What I have now is only supported by a few browsers.  I'm on the prowl for alternatives.